Due to covid restrictions my solo show at Hippolyte Korjaamo (Helsinki, Finland) that was supposed to take place on March-May 2021, is postponed to January – March 2022.
Exact dates will be announced later.
Due to covid restrictions my solo show at Hippolyte Korjaamo (Helsinki, Finland) that was supposed to take place on March-May 2021, is postponed to January – March 2022.
Exact dates will be announced later.
Happy to announce I am part of this group exhibition.
Mirrored is curated exhibition from entries received in an open call and screened by a jury. It features works by 50 artists from 15 countries.
MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre
Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1 C, Helsinki, Finland
Tue–Fri 12–17, Sat–Sun 12–16
All performance artists have a special relationship with themselves and their body. As a medium, the body becomes a tool for examining oneself and one’s subject matter. In photo performances where there is no live audience, the artist is free to experiment and alter the approach.
Mirrored is curated from entries received in an open call and screened by a jury. It features works by 50 artists from 15 countries.
The exhibition consists of photographs in which the artist engages in a dialogue with the camera. Some of the works have a narrative or serial structure, others are freestanding images devoid of any storyline. Alternatively, a story may be concealed in the moment of exposure, or it can first come into being in the viewer’s imagination.
The pictures contain joy and fun, austerity and generosity, predetermination and randomness. For the artist in front the lens, the camera is an ally: it records without passing judgment. The artist’s presence and charisma are enough – a simple gesture in its context can reveal deeper meanings and levels.
The exhibition includes both classics from earlier years as well as never before exhibited new work.
Below is a link to book review I wrote to Yeah Girl, which is a media platform celebrating the intersection of womxn’s skateboarding and creativity.
Hippolyte Korjaamo Helsinki, Finland 19.3-16.5.2021.
NB! Due to latest Covid restrictions the exhibition is not opening on March 2021. New exhibition time is to be announced later.
I am very happy to announce I received three year funding from the Finnish Cultural Foundation. In my project funding application, I described my plans with the working title Private body and movement language as a performance (in a public space). It gives some hint of whereabouts my thoughts are, as well as in which direction I am aiming to go.
The original plan was to start to work in the beginning of April. Due to all the stress this weird corona situation has given (including postponing me returning to Belgium from already extended period of time being in my home country Finland, re-organizing my plans), I decided to postpone the start of the project by one month. May it will be!
Saying that, now when we are reaching the middle of April, I realized, I have actually started working. During this social isolation, I have kept myself busy with different online dance classes, movement meditations, physical lectures and alike. I wrote to Cultural Foundation: the ’theory’ of some of the projects I am planning to work with are based on to the different free dance and somatic practises. So indeed all these 5Rhythms sessions, Gaga People classes, Six Viewpoints try-outs, contemporary dance workshops done in a solitude of my temporary home are first steps towards something new.
At the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s annual celebration on 27th February 2020
The Association of Photographic Artists called it members to propose works to the celebratory book, in the case of association’s 30 years birthday. The exhibition composed on proposed pictures is open in Hippolyte Studio (Helsinki, Finland) until 22.7.2018. It includes couple of my works as well. More info about the book coming up later this year.
My photo from the series The Only Happiness I Know Is Sad Happy is curated by Susan Bright to Der Greif’s Guest Room online exhibition. I am especially pleased how nice comparison my photograph makes with Maria Petranko’s work. Both published on 20th November 2017.
Linkistä avautuu kirjoittamani arvio “Omer Fastin näyttely Belgiassa on esityksellistä katoamista ja uudelleen rakentamista”. Julkaistu Mustekala.info 8.11.2017.