My new video Lucky’s Dance will be on display at Galleria Sinne (Helsinki) 28.6.-10.7.2022.
Lunch time vernissage will be held on Tuesday 28.6 from 11 till 14.00. Welcome!
Opening hours Tuesday-Sunday 11-17
Iso-Roobertinkatu 16, 00120 Helsinki

The film gets its inspiration from a scene in Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett in which the character Lucky does a dance. The drama script, which otherwise has detailed stage directions and dialogue, does not make clear how the actor is to perform the dance. In her artistic work Haikala is interested in texts, especially in passages such as this that are open to interpretation, or in details in margins or in parentheses. Lucky’s Dance has two characters, who dance in front of the camera. Haikala has invited in a professional dancer, Meri Pajunpää, who makes short dance improvisations. Haikala herself is the other character, who studies and memorizes these improvisations and then then repeats them from memory. The piece ends with material in which both dancers imitate trees in motion. It is a study of the relationship between two different bodies, of the interaction between written text and visual material. At the same time, it is a work that looks at memory and the passage of time, and sheds light on questions of freedom of artistic interpretation and its limits. The film has mainly been shot on digital camera, but there are also short passages taken on narrow-gauge film (8mm). On the soundtrack, Haikala herself opens up and talks about the constituent parts and the factors that influenced and inspired the work’s creation.
Thank you Finnish Cultural Foundation, Meri Pajunpää (dancer), Heli Sorjonen (camera&lights), Vesa Vehviläinen (edit&sound).